Welcome to Thermaflex Insulation Asia's web blog

Origin: The Netherlands (Holland)
Established: 1976 (Holland), 1986 (Thailand)
Product: Sheet & Tube Foam Insulation (PE), In-Building & Underground Pipe System (Flexalen)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thermaflex success in India

The pre-insulated pipe is increasingly seen as the fast and convenient new way of installation both underground and inside building. In this category,  steel pipe has been dominated market for years with the main reason of withstanding the high pressure, but at the same time with the problem of corrosion over a period of time.

There have been many innovations in the plastic world on how to invent the one-of-a-kind plastic that has the perfect welding (homogeneous) and durable to high working pressure. Of course, corrosion is not a problem with plastic.

PB (Polybutene) is the answer to this quest. It was discovered back in 1960s, where the person who invented it got the Nobel Prize some years later.

Thermaflex is one of the not-many companies that see the advantage of PB. Yet, Thermaflex has combined its own high quality insulation to PB and make a perfect pre-insulated pipe system.

In the photo, you see the big renovation project of Park Hyatt India chose to use our system. It helped the engineer save time and save their maintenance cost in long term from corrosion or leakage at the joint.

More info can be found on www.Thermaflex.com