Welcome to Thermaflex Insulation Asia's web blog

Origin: The Netherlands (Holland)
Established: 1976 (Holland), 1986 (Thailand)
Product: Sheet & Tube Foam Insulation (PE), In-Building & Underground Pipe System (Flexalen)

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Flood in Thailand - Nature or Mismanagement

An environment researcher from Mahidol University has analyzed the quantity of water and its flow direction before he has reached the conclusion that the flood disaster in Thailand related to the mismanagement and political issue.

Mo Chit's BTS Station (Sky Train)
Associate Professor Suchart Navakawong, Mahidol University, has expressed his vision toward the ongoing flood disaster in Thailand.  He said the problem come from water management, not from the error of the dam in the Northern part as per some info.

With the huge volume of water flow from the North, there are some area before reaching Bangkok and the sea that was earlier planned to be the reservoir-like area to keep and slow down the water flow, to reduce its force to enter to the capital city. However, these areas are under some of the political game, where they don't want water to come into their zone. Therefore, water had to flow somewhere else which is not as suitable as those early planned area.
"In conclusion, water management under political pressure, either local or national level, is not a good thing.  This has made the water flow pattern changed from its nature. We need a better water management."
Therefore, huge volume of water, wrong water flow management, and error in decision of leader have led us into a huge water disaster this year.

[credit to www.bangkokbiznews.com]

Note from myself:  The reservoir-like area is already the idea from our king (HM Bhumiphol) long time ago.  He spoke in front of public of the idea to prepare what he called "Monkey Cheek".  It's when he was young he had a monkey.  Whenever it ate some banana, it always keep banana inside its cheek and gradually swallow them.  In this case, the king means every once in awhile the water will flow from the North to the Middle part to access to the sea.  In order to reduce its force, the "Monkey Cheek" area needs to be prepared in some province in between the North and the Middle part of Thailand.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Flood in Thailand (Nov 08, 2011)

Police needs a raft to work in Bangkok area.
Another week pass, the flood in Bangkok is still same as last week, yet expanding to more areas.  There was a flood reduction in the Northern province. They said it's a good sign.  But, in fact, the reduction in the North is the gain in the middle part.  This is because the nature of water that will try to access to the sea (Gulf of Thailand) through the lower land level, which unfortunately, the middle part of Thailand is Bangkok!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Flood in Thailand (Update)

Announced by Thai Traffic Police (Traffic Control and Command Center) yesterday (November 1st, 2011), more roads/streets need to be closed up to 30 routes due to the high level of flood throughout Bangkok area.  Previously on October 25th, 2011, 25 roads/streets were announced to be closed as the high level of flood in Bangkok area.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Thermaflex helps flood victims

Thermaflex Insulation Asia has managed to supply 80 units of 20 litres water tank to donate to flood victims in Bangkruay District in Nonthaburi Province.  This area is one of the most serious flood level areas, where averagely flood level is as high as the chest level.  Along with the donate water, Thermaflex also managed to donate our "Funflex", the 2-meter foam in colour, and some deadstock of special shape foam that could be used for floating in water in a big 6-wheel truck.

Empty tank before fill up with water.
Empty water tank is transported to fill up water.

After fill up water and attached with Thermaflex sticker.
Staffs took photo with donate water tanks

Loading foam onto the truck.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Flood in Thailand

Thailand has been facing with the flood situation since months ago, started from Northern part and now to the middle part, which unfortunately include Bangkok, the capital city.

Recently, the Netherlands-Thailand Chamber of Commerce (NTCC) has issued the update and warning as per below details: -

Due to a sequence of small breaches and  over toppings, the prospects for the Bangkok inner ring are deteriorating faster than expected. Though non-life threatening it implies that chances for flooding and side effects such as electricity cuts and water supply  are increasing. Quantities and locations are as yet not exactly known. We therefore advise against on non-essential travel to the center of Bangkok, greater  Bangkok and the area north of Bangkok up to and including Ayutthaya until the 2nd of November. The situation in the other major  tourist areas in Thailand is as usual and these areas can mostly be reached by road. The international airport of Bangkok Suvarnabhumi continues to operate as normal and can be reached from the city center.  From this airport flight to domestic destinations are operating normally as well.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thermaflex cooperates with Narcotic Preventive Program

Thermaflex Insulation Asia Company Limited complies with the Narcotic Preventive Program from the Ministry of Public Health.  We had a group of their staffs visited our factory to check the narcotic substance  for all our employees.  The result is none of us has any possibility of narcotic usage.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Customer Visit from Myanmar

On 13 October 2011, we had a chance to welcome a group of prospect from Myanmar. Even the business opportunity there is still not clear, but we are glad to start supporting some business people to grow bit by bit in this market.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Trade Mission to Philippines

By the cooperation with HME (Maritime by Holland), Thermaflex had a chance to join the trade mission for ship building business in Philippines.  Among all Dutch people, I am the only Thai person who represent Thermaflex, a Dutch company, there.

 It's the new idea of business where we have found an opportunity  in supplying our high quality pre-insulated PB Pipe (Flexalen) in the replacement of the conventional corroded steel pipe system.  The trip had been carried during 9-12 October 2011 through 3 main cities in Philippines i.e. Cebu, Manila, and Subic Bay.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Indian customer visit (Sep 2011)

At the end of September 2011, we had a chance to welcome a group of Indian company, who were in Thailand for their leisure with family.  During this visit, we also had our man in India, Mr. Sandeep, to come Thailand and welcome the customer.  The visit went well and full of interesting discussion.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Renewable Energy Exhibition - Jakarta (Sep 2011)

Thermaflex Insulation Asia Company has joined unofficially in the renewable energy exhibition in Jakarta, Indonesia.  This exhibition was the cooperation with the Dutch company, INSOORZ, for the sales and marketing of Flexalen product in Indonesia.

This is the first step of Flexalen (The Pre-Insulated Pipe System) from Thermaflex into Indonesia.  All main advantages have proofed itself in Europe and India, to be the best product for pre-insulated pipe category e.g. durability, flexibility, fast installation, etc.  We have to thank for the long time experience and know-how of Thermaflex in the production of technical insulation, and the combination of the latest plastic technology, PB-1 (Polybutelene).  Flexalen is planned to approach all Indonesian customer by INSOORZ company as the Flexalen's exclusive agent of Thermaflex for Indonesian market.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Flexalen Training in Thailand

It's again the attempt to educate our prospects to understand more of our "Pre-Insulated Pipe", or so called "Flexalen".

The event was held during 1-5 August 2011 focused on new customer from Hong Kong, and the existing customer from Australia and Vietnam.

Thanks to Mr. Markus Thürnbeck, who has traveled far from Vienna, Austria, to give us all the proper training according to Thermaflex standard.  There are many interesting points to look at which I will add more detail later.

For any of you who is interested in Flexalen, you can try click into the YouTube on the right part of this blog for further info.

"Water Absorption" -- The Real % or else?!

From previous article, I told you how to test the water absorption out of normal insulation sample, with the simple water bucket and so on.  Now, I will tell you a bit more knowledge of how to really look at water absorption.

Normally, we can see in most insulation brochure the water absorption in percentage.  Who does really know what they mean by %?

There are detail to look into when some insulation says they have this or that % of water absorption.  % of water absorption can be looked into 2 scenarios i.e. mass % and volume %.

Take a look at this example:

We have 100 grams of insulation sample (any kind).  We have water at 200 ml.  Then, after a period of time dipping the sample into this amount of water, we notice the insulation sample absorb water at 10 grams (or equivalent to 10 ml).

If you look at mass %, you will then have 10% water absorption.  Why?  It's because the sample absorb 10 grams when compare to its original weight of 100 grams!

If you look at volume %, you will then have only 5% water absorption.  Why?  It's because the sample absorb 10 ml when compare to its original water volume of 200 ml.

Now, you know the fact!! :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Idea from New Product Conference in Holland

During 6-8 July 2011, I was invited to share the experience in the interesting seminar in Holland.  It was  the 2-day programs where colleagues from all over the world gathered to share their comment and market knowledge on the launching plan of new product.  Also, we discussed several things related to market in each different countries.

There were also invited guests to our seminar to gain our knowledge as well.

Thermaflex's new product has been invented from the idea that plastic insulation is less flexible than rubber insulation.   Its "Lambda Value" is more stable than rubber (rubber tends to have higher (worse) lambda value with more thickness).  This is the newly innovative product which is not "Pure PE" anymore.  People always think of our product as "PE Insulation", but now we call our new product line as "Polyolefin (PO) Insulation".

Talking about Polyolefin, you need to take a look at the family of plastic.  Polyolefin is like the main category where it has its sub-category as PE, PP, PVC, and so on.  This is the newly developed formula where Thermaflex has reached its first real flexible insulation to supply to the market, yet still maintain its high quality.  The R&D of Thermaflex Holland has boasted to reach Class 0 with this new product.  At the moment, it's under the production test run and test certificate submission.

From this seminar, I have learned a lot, especially I have learned that most countries have a unique requirement from their customer.  For example, in Russia they need to have the test called "Linear Material Shrinkage", which is the test of shrinkage at the temperature of 80 Celsius for several hours test period.  This kind of test is not needed, or I can say it's not even recognized in most of Asian region.

Another similar idea of unique requirement is for market in Australia, where they always refer to the insulation property by using "R Value".  Again, this R-Value is not something we are interested in Asia, but Lambda value is more important to customers in Asia.

There is a "funny" info that I learned from this seminar, which I will tell you later.  However, this funny info relates to the basic knowledge of SCC (Stress Corrosion Cracking).

SCC is the serious issue when the insulation is not installed correctly.  It's related to the moisture that will penetrate into the layer of insulation and pipe.  However, the 'fastest corrosion' is found in the "Nitrile Rubber Insulation"( not EPDM Rubber Insulation).  This is due to the blowing agent of Nitrile Rubber consist of Ammoniac, which will react to the moisture, and stimulate faster SCC.  After installing for long time there is a chance that moisture could leak into the joint of insulation.  The moisture will then have a reaction with the ammoniac in Nitrile Rubber, which eventually will cause SCC.  After all, the correct installation is very important.

The funny thing I heard from this seminar is that one of the rubber insulation suppliers claims that their product has "SCC Indicator" property.  They said with their product the SCC can be detected by bare eyes.  That is when there is a "swell" of insulation surface.

Well, the rubber insulation of any kind (either nitrile or EPDM) has a very high Water Vapour Diffusion ( µ-value), but the fact is that they can reach such high value due to their 'skin'. If skin is scratched, then µ-value will be gone.  Their inner layer is not 100% closed cell structure, unlike PE or Polyolefin product.

You can do the comparison test easily by cut the same size of both Rubber and PE insulation samples (any PE insulation would be OK) into the bucket of water for a week.  Before you put into the water, weighing each sample weight (at the same size, you will notice PE has less weight than Rubber which is due to the difference in density).  After a week, you weighing again both samples' weight.  You will then see the difference.  You will see which one absorb water!

There are also more interesting points from this seminar about our product, test certificate, and competitors.  Let me continue this later.


Friday, July 01, 2011

Fiber Glass & Rubber (VS) PE Insulation

Normally, people are fond of using fiber glass, a kind of open cell structure insulation, to be their priority when thinking of ceiling insulation or duct insulation (due to cheaper cost!).  The idea has started to change recently by concerning the disadvantage of fiber glass.

Fiber Glass is in fact harmful to human, yet environment.  The contact to human skin will cause a severe irritation.  If we inhale the dust of fiber glass, it will stay in our lung and can be seen as black spot via X-Ray Film.  Moreover, in the situation of fire, fiber glass will release a high density of smoke, as well as toxic vapor.
"Technically, the open cell insulation has weak point due to its absorption of humidity.  This is the reason fiber glass will need to have protection, the aluminum foil."
In the work such as ceiling or duct insulation, the aluminum foil of fiber glass could be damaged by small creatures e.g. rats.  When the skin (aluminum foil) damaged, humidity/moisture will go inside.  Due to the open cell structure, fiber glass material will keep the moist.  As time goes by, theoretically fiber glass will get thinner thickness.  This means the thermal conductivity property will be lower over the time.

"This is the renovation of my office.
People have to wear a lot of things for the maxumum protction of  their health,
in order to remove the old fiber glass that was installed long time ago!"

You can follow this link to see: How we attach PE Sheet Insulation to Ceiling Tile

Rubber insulation is also not 100% closed cell.  There is a test where you can cut small pieces of rubber insulation and put into a container full of water, then leave it for a week or two.  You will see rubber also absorb water.  In reality, rubber insulation has a nice skin, which is the strong point to prevent moisture absorbed into its inner layer.

PE Insulation, on the contrary, is a 100% closed cell structure.  Even the skin is scratched or damaged, inner layer is still closed cell.  As the result, moisture/humidity can not be absorbed, and you can be sure the product will stay with you long time.  Talking about moisture, you can also test the same way as rubber for a week or two dip PE Insulation into a container full of water.  It will not absorb any water.  Well, test both materials at the same time and see for your eyes!
"The absorption of water can be measured by weighing the test specimen before and after dipping into the water."
Further info about PE Insulation, PE Insulation (Non-Crosslink Type)  can be 'recycled' and not harmful to the environment.  If you contact the "Green Label" office, which has its branches in many countries, you will find out that PE is already in the safe material list.  Unlike other material, where you have to submit many relevant documents in order to use the renown logo of "Green Label".

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The 1st Thermaflex International Conference

From 13-15 March 2011, Thermaflex International Holdings BV. (The Netherlands) has organized the 1st Thermaflex International Conference in Geisenheim, Germany.

This event has changed the annual meeting style at Thermaflex.  We are no longer present each other what we can do in the past year, but we learn more from each other, yet from outsider.  All subsidiaries all over the world participated in this event with a big dinner and a warm welcome from Thermaflex Holdings' management team.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The 1st Thailand Seminar on "Flexalen"

Hello All,

After long time no update on this blog, finally I have come up with the new event in Thailand.  It's the first seminar for Flexalen - The Pre-Insulated Pipe System.

The event was held at Amari Pattaya & Resort Hotel. Most companies are Thai, except one from Vietnam.  I have to make the name of our customers confidential as this is the open space on the Internet where our competitor could have seen these info as used against us.

Anyway, the one-day seminar went well with more understanding from customers at the end of the day. We are now looking forward to progress as the result from this seminar, also looking forward to have more of this seminar in the near future for other companies as well.