Welcome to Thermaflex Insulation Asia's web blog

Origin: The Netherlands (Holland)
Established: 1976 (Holland), 1986 (Thailand)
Product: Sheet & Tube Foam Insulation (PE), In-Building & Underground Pipe System (Flexalen)

Friday, July 01, 2011

Fiber Glass & Rubber (VS) PE Insulation

Normally, people are fond of using fiber glass, a kind of open cell structure insulation, to be their priority when thinking of ceiling insulation or duct insulation (due to cheaper cost!).  The idea has started to change recently by concerning the disadvantage of fiber glass.

Fiber Glass is in fact harmful to human, yet environment.  The contact to human skin will cause a severe irritation.  If we inhale the dust of fiber glass, it will stay in our lung and can be seen as black spot via X-Ray Film.  Moreover, in the situation of fire, fiber glass will release a high density of smoke, as well as toxic vapor.
"Technically, the open cell insulation has weak point due to its absorption of humidity.  This is the reason fiber glass will need to have protection, the aluminum foil."
In the work such as ceiling or duct insulation, the aluminum foil of fiber glass could be damaged by small creatures e.g. rats.  When the skin (aluminum foil) damaged, humidity/moisture will go inside.  Due to the open cell structure, fiber glass material will keep the moist.  As time goes by, theoretically fiber glass will get thinner thickness.  This means the thermal conductivity property will be lower over the time.

"This is the renovation of my office.
People have to wear a lot of things for the maxumum protction of  their health,
in order to remove the old fiber glass that was installed long time ago!"

You can follow this link to see: How we attach PE Sheet Insulation to Ceiling Tile

Rubber insulation is also not 100% closed cell.  There is a test where you can cut small pieces of rubber insulation and put into a container full of water, then leave it for a week or two.  You will see rubber also absorb water.  In reality, rubber insulation has a nice skin, which is the strong point to prevent moisture absorbed into its inner layer.

PE Insulation, on the contrary, is a 100% closed cell structure.  Even the skin is scratched or damaged, inner layer is still closed cell.  As the result, moisture/humidity can not be absorbed, and you can be sure the product will stay with you long time.  Talking about moisture, you can also test the same way as rubber for a week or two dip PE Insulation into a container full of water.  It will not absorb any water.  Well, test both materials at the same time and see for your eyes!
"The absorption of water can be measured by weighing the test specimen before and after dipping into the water."
Further info about PE Insulation, PE Insulation (Non-Crosslink Type)  can be 'recycled' and not harmful to the environment.  If you contact the "Green Label" office, which has its branches in many countries, you will find out that PE is already in the safe material list.  Unlike other material, where you have to submit many relevant documents in order to use the renown logo of "Green Label".